Saturday, August 27, 2022

Google AdSense -Earn Money Online


Use Google AdSense to Earn Money Online 

  • In this article, we will discuss how you can use the internet to earn money. The most common way to make money on the internet is by selling products or services
  • You can also sell your own content and make some extra cash. It might be difficult to find customers at first, but once you get started, it’s easy to find new clients.
  • If you want to know more about how to earn money from the internet, read on! 
  • Google AdSense is a great way to earn money online. If you want to make money online, this is the best method for you. It's also one of the most popular methods, which means that there are more potential customers than there are advertisers. 
  • Ads can be placed in almost any content on the web, including web pages, blogs, videos and even other websites. You can place ads on your own site or link them to another website where you have an affiliate relationship with a company that sells products related to the product being advertised. 
  • You can also sell products on your site and make money from them. This may be a good option if you're running a blog or website and need extra income from selling things directly from your site rather than through an affiliate program like Amazon Associates or Click bank, (which are both paid programs). 
  • You can earn money using internet by creating content. There are many sites where you can create videos and earn money. You can also use your computer to create software that helps people in solving their problems. 
  • The internet is a massive place, and it’s not just the cat videos that you can make money on. There are so many ways to make money online, and it’s not always about what you know. 
  • When I was working in an office job, I didn’t have the opportunity to do many things like blogging or creating videos, but now that I work from home, those are the things that keep me busy. If you want to be able to earn money from the comfort of your own home, then this is the article for you! 
  • You will learn how to set up a blog and build your brand online. You will be able to show off your talents by creating videos and writing articles for others. 
  • If you are looking for ways to earn money on the internet, there are plenty of ways to do it. The most popular way is by using your computer to make money online. You can create your own website and use it to sell products or services. 
  • There are other ways that you can earn money from the internet like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more. All these methods will help you earn some extra money every month. 
  • YouTube is one of the best places to make money from the internet. You can upload videos and then get paid for advertising them. You don't have to be a professional video maker either because there are plenty of free tools available that allow anyone with an Internet connection to create high-quality videos that can be uploaded onto YouTube in no time at all!



हज़ारों अश्क़ मेरी आँखों की हिरासत में थे*

*बस कुछ याद आया और सबको ज़मानत मिल गई।।

 *मुट्ठी भर बीज बिखेर दो*,

*दिलों की जमीन पर...*

*बारिश का मौसम है*,
*शायद अपनापन  पनप जाए*.!!

: *मंज़र भी बेनूर था..*
*फिज़ाएँ भी बेरंग थी...*
*बस दोस्त याद आए...*
*मौसम सुहाना हो गया..!*.


 आरज़ू होनी चाहिए किसी
को याद करने की......!!
लम्हें तो अपने आप ही मिल जाते हैं.
कौन पूछता है पिंजरे में बंद
पंछियों को....
याद वही आते है जो उड़ जाते है...

*जिन्हें फ़िक़र थी कल की*
       *वे रोए रात भर*

*जिन्हें यकीन था रब पर*
       *वे सोए रात भर.*

*जख्म हैं कि दिखते नहीं..!!*

*मगर ये मत समझिये कि दुखते नहीं..!!!*

: कैद सा हो गया हूँ इस जिन्दगी के सफर में

कभी लकीरें खिचता हूँ तो कभी तस्वीरें खींचता हूँ।

 *नाराज़ हमेशा खुशियाँ ही होती हैं..*

*ग़मों के इतने नखरे नहीं होते....!!*

मत करो दुःख उसका जो कभी मिला नही
दुनिया में खुश रहने के बहाने भी बहुत है।


. कुछ यादें भी होती हैं ....... सर्द हवा सी...
छू भी जायें तो ....... सिहर जाते हैं..!!

 वो कोई और होंगे जो अदाओं का कहर ढाते है

हम तो अपने शब्दोंं से ही सीधा दिल मे उतर जाते हैं

 एक *"उम्र"* के बाद *"उस उम्र"* की बातें *"उम्र भर"* याद आती हैं..

पर *"वह उम्र"* फिर *"उम्र भर"* नहीं आती.




*अकेले हम बूँद हैं,*
          *मिल जाएं तो सागर हैं।*
*अकेले हम धागा हैं,*
          *मिल जाएं तो चादर हैं।*
*अकेले हम कागज हैं,*
          *मिल जाए तो किताब हैं।*
*अकेले हम अलफ़ाज़ हैं,*
          *मिल जाए तो जवाब हैं।*
*अकेले हम पत्थर हैं,*
          *मिल जाएं तो इमारत हैं।*
*अकेले हम दुआ हैं,*
          *मिल जाएं तो इबादत हैं।*

*संस्कारों से बड़ी कोई*
     *वसीयत नहीं....*
     *ईमानदारी से बड़ी कोई*
     *विरासत नही.....*


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