Monday, August 15, 2022



गहन विचार करने योग्य बात
एक बडी कंपनी के गेट के सामने एक प्रसिद्ध समोसे की दुकान थी, लंच टाइम मे अक्सर कंपनी के कर्मचारी वहाँ आकर समोसे खाया करते थे।
एक दिन कंपनी के एक मैनेजर समोसे खाते खाते समोसेवाले से मजाक के मूड मे आ गये।
मैनेजर साहब ने समोसेवाले से कहा, "यार गोपाल, तुम्हारी दुकान तुमने बहुत अच्छे से maintain की है, लेकीन क्या तुम्हे नही लगता के तुम अपना समय और टैलेंट समोसे बेचकर बर्बाद कर रहे हो.? सोचो अगर तुम मेरी तरह इस कंपनी मे काम कर रहे होते तो आज कहा होते.. हो सकता है शायद तुम भी आज मैंनेजर होते मेरी तरह.."
इस बात पर समोसेवाले गोपाल ने बडा सोचा, और बोला, " सर ये मेरा काम अापके काम से कही बेहतर है, 10 साल पहले जब मै टोकरी मे समोसे बेचता था तभी आपकी जाॅब लगी थी, तब मै महीना हजार रुपये कमाता था और आपकी पगार थी 10 हजार।
इन 10 सालो मे हम दोनो ने खूब मेहनत की..
आप सुपरवाइजर से मॅनेजर बन गये.
और मै टोकरी से इस प्रसिद्ध दुकान तक पहुँच गया.
आज आप महीना 50000/- कमाते है
और मै महीना 200000/-
लेकिन इस बात के लिए मै मेरे काम को आपके काम से बेहतर नही कह रहा हूँ।
ये तो मै बच्चों के कारण कह रहा हूँ।
जरा सोचिए सर मैने तो बहुत कम कमाई पर धंधा शुरू किया था, मगर मेरे बेटे को यह सब नही झेलना पडेगा।
मेरी दुकान मेरे बेटे को मिलेगी, मैने जिंदगी मे जो मेहनत की है, वो उसका लाभ मेरे बच्चे उठाएंगे। जबकी आपकी जिंदगी भर की मेहनत का लाभ आपके मालिक के बच्चे उठाएंगे।
अब आपके बेटे को आप डाइरेक्टली अपनी पोस्ट पर तो नही बिठा सकते ना.. उसे भी आपकी ही तरह जीरो से शुरूआत करनी पडेगी.. और अपने कार्यकाल के अंत मे वही पहुच जाएगा जहाँ अभी आप हो।
जबकी मेरा बेटा बिजनेस को यहा से और आगे ले जाएगा..
और अपने कार्यकाल मे हम सबसे बहुत आगे निकल जाएगा..
अब आप ही बताइये किसका समय और टैलेंट बर्बाद हो रहा है ?"
मैनेजर साहब ने समोसेवाले को 2 समोसे के 20 रुपये दिये और बिना कुछ बोले वहाँ से खिसक लिये.......!!!🙏🙏



A very impressive and inspiring story .
A newspaper hawker used to come at about 5 in the morning to deliver the newspaper, and would find me walking in the gallery of my house. So, while crossing the main gate of my house, he would throw the newspaper in the balcony without stopping his bicycle, greet me with "Namaste Babuji" and then proceed with speed. 

As the years went by and I got older, my time to awaken had also changed. Now I used to wake up at 7 a.m.

When he did not see me walking in the morning for several days, one Sunday at about 9 in the morning, he came to my residence to ask about my well-being. When he found out that all is well at home, and it was just that I had started getting up late, he said with folded hands, "Babuji! Can I say something?" I said, "Go ahead."

He said, "Why are you changing such a good habit of getting up early in the morning? It is for you that I pick up the newspapers from the Vidhan Sabha road early in the morning, and ride very fast to deliver my first newspaper to you. While coming, I just keep thinking that I shouldn't be late. You would be waiting for the newspaper."

I asked in surprise, "You bring the newspapers from Vidhan Sabha Road?" "Yes, that's where the first distribution starts from," he replied.

I asked him another question, "Then what time do you wake up?" "At half past I reach there by half past three."

"Then?" I asked. "Then after distributing the newspapers, around seven o'clock I go back home and sleep.Then there's office at ten o'clock….to raise the kids, all this has to be done."

I kept looking at him for a few moments and then said, "Okay! I will keep your valuable suggestion in mind."

Almost fifteen years had passed since this incident. One morning, around nine o'clock in the morning, he came to my house and handed me an invitation card. He said, "Babuji! It's my daughter's wedding... I want you to come with your family."

When I looked at the invitation card with a cursory glance, it seemed like it was for the wedding of a doctor girl to a doctor boy. So, unintentionally I said, "Your daughter?"

And I don't know how he interpreted my question that he said with amazement, "What are you talking about, Babuji! Of course, it's my daughter!"

Correcting my stance and getting rid of my awkwardness, I said, "I meant, I'm delighted to see that you've made your daughter a doctor."

“Yes Babuji! Daughter has done MBBS from KGMC and her future husband is also an MD there…and Babuji! My son is also in his final year of engineering.”

Standing at the door, I was thinking whether I should invite him inside or not, when he said, "Okay Babuji! I'll leave now.....Still many more cards to be distributed.....please come with your family, my entire family will feel very happy to see you all."

Then I thought, I have never asked him to come inside till now, and suddenly today the invitation to sit inside would just be a sham. So with a formal _Namaste_ , I bid him farewell from outside.

After two years of that incident, when he once again came to my residence, it came out in conversation that his son was working somewhere in Germany.

Now, out of curiosity, I finally asked him the question : "How did you provide for the higher education of your children with your limited income?"

"Babuji! It's a very long story but I will try to tell you in brief. Apart from newspapers and my job, I used to do keep doing some work in my spare time. I also made my daily expenses very carefully. I used to go to the market only at night and buy only the cheap, seasonal vegetables like pumpkin, gourd, brinjal...because at night when it was time for the shops to close, the shopkeepers would give the vegetables for very less.

One day, my son went to play with the neighborhood kids to their house, and he came back with a long face and moist eyes. It seemed like he wanted to ask us a lot of questions. When we all sat down to eat in the evening, my son started crying on seeing the vegetable and _roti_ in the plate and said to his mother, "What is this... the same dull, tasteless vegetables like pumpkin, brinjal, gourd...this dry food… I am tired of eating all this. When I go to my friends' house, they have peas-paneer, koftas, dum aloo, what not! And here, just one vegetable and dry _roti_ ."

I looked at him lovingly and said, "First you stop crying, then we'll talk about it."

Then I said, "Son! Always look at your own plate. If we look into what others have, we will not even be able to enjoy what we actually have. Whatever we have in the present, we should accept it from the heart, thank God and always keep trying to improve our future. Always believe in yourself, that only you have the power to change your future and no one else. Keep trying to better yourself."

"My son wiped away his tears and then looked at me with a smile, as if trying to say, that I promise you that from today onwards I will not compare my life with anyone and do my best to make my future better. And since then, none of my children made any demands of any kind from me. With limited resources, they started to improve their life. Babuji! Wherever they are today, is the result of their own sacrifices."

I kept listening to his words silently and intently. I was able to feel the power of a father's love in the deepest core of my heart.

*"Our future, our destiny, and how well we build it depends on us."



*आज का प्रेरक प्रसंग* 

   !! *शिक्षा की बोली ना लगने दें !!*

एक नगर में रहने वाले एक पंडित जी की ख्याति दूर-दूर तक थी। पास ही के गाँव में स्थित मंदिर के पुजारी का आकस्मिक निधन होने की वजह से, उन्हें वहाँ का पुजारी नियुक्त किया गया था। एक बार वे अपने गंतव्य की और जाने के लिए बस में चढ़े, उन्होंने कंडक्टर को किराए के रुपये दिए और सीट पर जाकर बैठ गए। कंडक्टर ने जब किराया काटकर उन्हें रुपये वापस दिए तो पंडित जी ने पाया कि कंडक्टर ने दस रुपये ज्यादा दे दिए हैं। पंडित जी ने सोचा कि थोड़ी देर बाद कंडक्टर को रुपये वापस कर दूंगा। कुछ देर बाद मन में विचार आया कि बेवजह दस रुपये जैसी मामूली रकम को लेकर परेशान हो रहे है।

आखिर ये बस कंपनी वाले भी तो लाखों कमाते हैं, बेहतर है इन रूपयों को भगवान की भेंट समझकर अपने पास ही रख लिया जाए। वह इनका सदुपयोग ही करेंगे। मन में चल रहे विचारों के बीच उनका गंतव्य स्थल आ गया। बस से उतरते ही उनके कदम अचानक ठिठके, उन्होंने जेब मे हाथ डाला और दस का नोट निकाल कर कंडक्टर को देते हुए कहा, भाई तुमने मुझे किराया काटने के बाद भी दस रुपये ज्यादा दे दिए थे। कंडक्टर मुस्कराते हुए बोला, क्या आप ही गाँव के मंदिर के नए पुजारी है?

पंडित जी के हामी भरने पर कंडक्टर बोला, मेरे मन में कई दिनों से आपके प्रवचन सुनने की इच्छा थी, आपको बस में देखा तो ख्याल आया कि चलो देखते है कि मैं अगर ज्यादा पैसे दूँ तो आप क्या करते हो.. अब मुझे विश्वास हो गया कि आपके प्रवचन जैसा ही आपका आचरण है। जिससे सभी को सीख लेनी चाहिए: बोलते हुए, कंडक्टर ने गाड़ी आगे बढ़ा दी। पंडितजी बस से उतरकर पसीना-पसीना थे।

उन्होंने हाथ जोड़कर भगवान का आभार व्यक्त किया कि हे प्रभु! आपका लाख-लाख शुक्र है, जो आपने मुझे बचा लिया, मैने तो दस रुपये के लालच में आपकी शिक्षाओं की बोली लगा दी थी। पर आपने सही समय पर मुझे सम्हलने का अवसर दे दिया। कभी कभी हम भी तुच्छ से प्रलोभन में, अपने जीवन भर की चरित्र पूँजी दाँव पर लगा देते हैं


* Motivational Story*

   , *Don't let education bid!!*

The fame of a Pandit ji living in a city was far and wide. Due to the sudden demise of the priest of the temple located in a nearby village, he was appointed the priest there. Once he boarded the bus to go to his destination, he gave the fare money to the conductor and sat down on the seat. When the conductor gave him back the money after deducting the fare, Pandit ji found that the conductor had given ten rupees more. Pandit ji thought that after a while I would return the money to the conductor. After some time a thought came in my mind that unnecessarily they are getting worried about a small amount like ten rupees.

After all, even these bus company people earn lakhs, it is better to keep these money as God's gift and keep it with you. He will make good use of them. His destination came amidst the thoughts running in his mind. As soon as he got off the bus, his feet suddenly stopped, he put his hand in his pocket and took out the ten rupee note and gave it to the conductor and said, brother, you gave me ten rupees more even after deducting the fare. The conductor smiled and said, are you the new priest of the village temple?

When Panditji agreed, the conductor said, I had a desire to listen to your discourses for many days, when I saw you in the bus, I thought, let's see what you do if I give more money.. Now believe me It is known that your conduct is the same as your discourse. From which everyone should learn: Speaking, the conductor pushed the train forward. Panditji was sweating after getting off the bus.

He thanked God with folded hands that Oh Lord! Thank you lakhs and lakhs, which you saved me, I had bid for your teachings in the greed of ten rupees. But you gave me an opportunity to take care of me at the right time. Sometimes we, too, put at stake our life's worth of character capital, in the tiniest of temptations.



*एक ६०+के अंकल*
ने अस्पताल में डॉक्टर से कहा *-"सर,मेरे ईलाज मे एक युवा सुंदर नर्स रखे! जरूरत पड़ने पर और पैसे देने को तैयार हुँ....*

*डॉक्टर- 🤔
अंकल इस उम्र मे क्या आप जानते है, कि आप किस बारे मे बात कर रहे है...?

 डॉक्टर, आप ग़लत समझ गए...
मेरे दो बेटे हैं ! 
*नर्स अच्छी दिखने वाली होगी तो, वे दोनों सुबह-शाम दो बार हाल पूछने आएंगे...!!*

*रिश्ता वही, सोच नयी*


An uncle of 60+*
told the doctor in the hospital * - "Sir, keep a young beautiful nurse in my treatment! I am ready to give more money if needed....*

*doctor- *
Uncle at this age do you know what you are talking about...?

  Doctor, you got it wrong...
I have two sons !
* If the nurse will be good looking, then both of them will come twice in the morning and evening to inquire...!!*

*Relationship is same, thinking new*


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