Saturday, August 27, 2022

तीन विरोधाभास

 कड़वा सच 

1. आजकल तीन विरोधाभास ट्रेंड चल रहे हैं ------

*पहला --*
भारत एक गरीब देश है इसलिए बुलट ट्रैन नही चाहिए परन्तु भारत इतना अमीर है कि लाखो रोहिंग्या को पाल सकता है।

*दूसरा ---*

मस्जिद की तरफ़ से देश के छप्पन बडे महँगे वकील और मंदिर की तरफ से अकेले सुब्रामनयम स्वामी!!


देश मे GST का विरोध दिखता है किन्तु जनसंख्या बढ़ने का विरोध कभी देखा ?

मजाक तो यह है की 2 बच्चे वाले टैक्स देते है, तथा दस वाले सब्सिडी लेते है ।

*आपको उपरोक्त बातें नापसंद हो सकती है परंतु विचार करने योग्य अवश्य है!!!*

एक और तथ्य -

भारत महान था ......वीरों की खान था ।।
फ़िर भी मुगलों का गुलाम था.....क्यों??....


"एक हिंदु राजा निजी विरोध के कारण दूसरे हिंदू राजा से दूर खड़ा था और मुगलों का साथ देने पर अड़ा था"

परिस्थिति आज भी वही है मोदी हिन्दुत्व के लिये खड़ा है और भ्रमित हिंदु उसे मिटाने पर अड़ा है.....!!!!


लाखों हिंदुओं को देखा हैं,
मोदी का विरोध करते

कोई एक मुस्लिम बता दो जो ओवैसी का मुखर विरोध करता हो।

हिन्दू अपने पतन का कारण स्वयं ही है.....
थोडा सोचो और खुद को जोड़ो।

जय हिंद जय भारत

2. ₹30 का पेट्रोल सरकार ₹80 में क्यों बेचती है? ऐसा पूछने वाले एक बार ये भी तो पूछे कि ₹16  में गेहूं खरीदकर सरकार ₹2  में क्यों बेचती है? ₹50  का केरोसिन ₹15 में क्यों बेचती है? ₹40 कि शक्कर ₹26 में क्यों बेचती है? ₹25 का चावल खरीदकर ₹1 में क्यों बाटती है?

लाखो रुपये टीचरो को तनख्वाह देकर बच्चो को मुफ्त क्यों, पढवाती है?
6 करोड़ शौचालय मुफ्त में क्यों बनवाती है,
3 करोड़ गैस चूल्हे मुफ्त में क्यों बाटती है.l😊
ये भी पूछो।
दरअसल अपने बच्चों को 15 की माइलेज देनेवाली 2-2 लाख की महंगी bike वाले ही अक्सर ऐसे सवाल करते है।

3. गुजरात के मोहनदास करमचन्द गांधी राष्ट्र के पिता हो सकते है...!
जवाहर लाल नेहरू सबके चाचा हो सकते है...!
मायावती सबकी बहन हो सकती है...!
ममता बनर्जी सबकी दीदी हो सकती है...!
जयललिता सबकी अम्मा हो सकती है...!
सोनिया गांधी देश की बहू हो सकती है...!
केवल  नरेंद्र मोदी इस देश का बेटा नही हो सकता...!!

इतनी नफरत क्यों है भाई...!!!

दिक्कत यह नहीं है कि दाल महंगी हो गयी है...! दिक्कत यह है कि किसी की गल नही रही है..

जय भारतमाता की.🇮🇳

3. मोदी सरकार के 4 सालो मे विकास पैदा हुआ या नही,
यह अलग बात है,

लेकिन एक भी अफजल पैदा होने नही दिया गया....!!

यही है अच्छे दिन___

साल भर में 176 आतंकवादी ठोंकने के बाद..!
मोदीजी ने कहा ,....आओ बात करते हैं..!!
इसी को कहते हैं बातचीत का माहौल बनाना..!

आतंकवादी ख़त्म हो रहे,
कांग्रेस परेशान हैं !! 😬

कांग्रेस ख़त्म हो रही,
आतंकवादी परेशान हैं ! 🙄

ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है ....!!

4. कश्मीरी आंतकवादी ..
सैय्यद सलाउद्दीन
हिजबुल चीफ..
जिसके 12 बच्चे हैं....!

सभी को कांग्रेस के शासनकाल मे सरकारी नौकरियां मिल गईं थीं !! 😖😖

मोदी सरकार मे 4 बर्खास्त हुए 3 सस्पेंड और NIA ने 2 को गिरफ्तार किया है।

आखिर कब तक ?
आलू, टमाटर, दाल, डीजल, पैट्रौल के लिए वोट करते रहोगे ?

अभी भी समय है देश के लिए वोट कर लो

100 साल पुरानी पार्टी....
आज किसी भी राज्य में अकेले चुनाव लड़ने की हिम्मत नहीं जुटा पाती है।
और कितने अच्छे दिन चाहिये।।

5. मोदीजी ट्रंप, पुतिन, शिंजो आबे के साथ दोस्ती बढा रहे हैं,
राहुल  - कन्हैया, हार्दिक के साथ....
अौकात अपनी अपनी !

पहले आतंकवादी होटल ताज तक पहुँच जाते थे,
अब कश्मीर भी पूरा पार नही कर पा रहे है,

मेरा देश बदल रहा है..... 😊🤘

134 साल पुरानी कांग्रेस आज 26 साल के "हार्दिक" के चरणों में पड़ी हुई है !
और कितने अच्छे दिन चाहिए..!

बुरा लगे तो मुंह धो लेना.. !!✍

चांद भी क्या खूब है

😌 चांद 

*चांद भी क्या खूब है,*
*न सर पर घूंघट है,*
*न चेहरे पे बुरका,*

*कभी करवाचौथ का हो गया,*
*तो कभी ईद का,*
*तो कभी ग्रहण का*


*ज़मीन पर होता तो*
*टूटकर विवादों मे होता,*
*अदालत की सुनवाइयों में होता,*
*अखबार की सुर्ख़ियों में होता,*


*शुक्र है आसमान में बादलों की गोद में है,*
*इसीलिए ज़मीन में कविताओं और ग़ज़लों में महफूज़ है”*

From Railway Platform To An IAS Officer


M Sivaguru Prabakaran Went From Factory Worker Who Slept On Railway Platform To An IAS Officer

Born to a family of farmers, M Sivaguru Prabakaran’s family were doing everything that they could to meet the family's needs. The major reason that every family member was working in the fields was because of his father’s alcoholism and inability to earn a living.

Worked as a sawmill operator

Sivaguru's father was an alcoholic and therefore his mother and sister used to work in the field during the day and weave baskets to earn a livelihood, at night. Watching them work day and night, Sivaguru also decided to leave his education and work as a sawmill operator.

According to one of his interviews, Sivaguru Prabakaran said, “I worked as a sawmill operator for two years and did a bit of farming. Whatever money I could muster, I spent some on my family and saved some for my education. I wasn't prepared to let go of my dreams.”

Never let go of his dreams

Speaking to the Times of India, Sivaguru said, “I wasn’t prepared to let go of my dreams.” In 2008, Sivaguru decided to get himself an education too after having already paid for his brother's engineering and marrying off his sister. He enrolled in civil engineering at Thanthai Periyar Government Institute of Technology in Vellore.

“My English language skill was not good. I studied in Tamil medium,” Prabakaran said.

Soon after, Sivaguru decided to travel to Chennai with the hope of cracking the IIT-Madras entrance examinations.

Sleeping on platforms to clear the exam

Speaking to Times of India, he said, “A friend referred me to a tutor in St Thomas Mount who trained underprivileged students like me.” It was not easy at first as Sivaguru studied during the weekend and took shelter at the platforms of the St Thomas Mount railway station. He would then return to Vellore for his college during the week and worked part-time to support himself.

Prabhakaran’s hard work and consistency towards his goal bore fruit after he successfully cracked the IIT-M entrance and finished his M.Tech program with a top rank in 2014. After clearing IIT and finishing his Prabhakaran decided to pursue this dream of becoming an IAS.

Sivaguru started preparing for the exams but was unable to clear the UPSC exam in the first three attempts. But, this gritty young man who did not let any failure distract him from his goal, cracked the UPSC exams in his fourth attempt.

Inspiration for others

Sivaguru Prabhakaran’s inspirational journey to push himself and his family out of poverty by getting an education are incredibly heartwarming. Prabhakaran’s inspiring story will help many more individuals from his hometown as well as across the nation to never give up on his dreams.

Friday, August 26, 2022

What is GPS?

 What is GPS? -How does it work and how many types?

GPS or Global Positioning System is a global navigation satellite system developed by the United States Department of Defense. This system started functioning completely from 24 April 1955. In the present time, the use of GPS has begun on a large scale.

Nowadays, on every mobile, you get to see the option of GPS in most smartphones, it is also known as the location. We use it to know that by keeping it on, we get accurate information about our site.

Now let's talk about what is this GPS, and how does it work?

GPS - Global Positioning System

GPS - Global Positioning System is a satellite-based navigation system that provides information such as location and time. The system was created by the Department of Defense of the United States, which is used to accurately identify the micro weight signals of the 24 and 32 medium earth orbit satellites. Along with GPS location and time, it is also useful to tell the weather of any place throughout the day.

How does GPS work?GPS works with receivers that calculate data received from the satellite. The calculation is called triangulation, where the position is detected with the help of three satellites at least once. Locations are indicated by longitude and latitude. It is right in the range of 10 to 100 meters. Different applications and software are used by them according to this, like telling a user the direction of a place. A 2D (longitude and latitude) position of a GPS receiver with at least three satellites is detected. At least four satellites have to be resorted to locating 3D (which includes altitude) positions. Once all these are identified, and the GPS receiver is synced to the moon, other information such as speed, distance, and time is taken to reach a place is also calculated.

GPS lockingFrom this, the exact location of anything is found. GPS depends on the tracker speed. For example, if someone is driving, the accuracy will be less, and it will also take time to find the correct location. GPS locking depends on how the GPS receiver is started. It happens in three ways - hot, warm, and cold.

Hot Start -

If the GPS knows its last position and the satellite as well as the UTC, it uses the same moon to detect the new location according to the information available. This function also depends on your position. Tracking happens very quickly if the GPS receiver is in the vicinity of the previous location.

Warm start-

In this, the GPS receiver remembers the old information in addition to the previous GPS satellite. Thus, the receiver resets all the data and uses the satellite signal to find a new position. Although it considers the moon, it gets to know the satellite soon. It is slower than the hot start but not the most time-consuming.

Cold Start -

In this situation, there is no information, so the device starts to find all the info like GPS satellite, position, etc. Therefore, it takes a lot of time to know its location.

Use of GPS 

GPS was first used only in the military, but later it was also started for the use of ordinary people. And since then, it has started being used in many places.

GPS is used in many places, including astronomy, cartography, automated vehicles, mobile phones, fleet tracking, geofencing, geo-tagging, GPS aircraft tracking, disaster relief, emergency services, navigation of vehicles, robotics, tectonics.

Types of GPS in the Mobile Phone Industry

A-GPS (Assisted GPS)- Such GPS is used to reduce the starting time of a GPS-based positioning system. A-GPS helps the receiver lock when the signal is weak. To do this, however, a network connection is also required in mobile phones as A-GPS uses an assistant server.

S-GPS (Simultaneous GPS) -This approach is adopted to improve satellite-based reporting for a network carrier. S-GPS itself gives both GPS and voice data to the mobile phone at the same time. With this, network providers are able to provide location-based service.


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